- Doplnky
- Doplnky do kuchyne
- Kuchynské pomôcky
- Kuchynské náradie a náčinie
- Orion Valček drevo jednoručný AMBO, 8 x 5 cm
Porovnajte ceny od 3,98 € do 5,99 € v 3 e-shopoch
Odporúčané ponuky (2)
Alternatívne ponuky (1)
od 3,98 €v 3 e-shopoch
Recenzie kupujúcich
5.01 hodnotenie
1 x4
0 x3
0 x2
0 x1
0 x
Spokojný používateľ
I have the rolling pin and wanted to buy one for my daughter as well. However, it was missing from the package. The first information was that they no longer have it, so they would refund the money. I ordered it elsewhere and then received a second message that they found it and are sending it. ??? The rolling pin is handy for rolling out dough directly on the baking sheet :)
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